-San Francisco's own-
John L. Arnott
First and foremost........
Thank you for stopping by my website!! I really do appreciate it!!
This is the place where you can find updates on new books, news about upcoming events, purchasing books, or you can leave me a message if you are so inclined.
Magic Tales came out on February 6th and has caused quite a stir in it's first two months. Reviews have been very favorable so far and it seems about the right time to have a few book signings. I will update the site to let you know about any dates that may come down the road.
At this time, I am writing a sequel to Magic Tales. There is no name for it yet, but I've got a couple of ideas. I am about half- way done with it so far and am looking forward to how it ends. It is very exciting so far, with the story exploding out of the starting gates and not slowing down at any point.
For the readers who have already bought Magic Tales or are considering buying it in the future, thank you. Without fans like you, there would be no motivation to create. You all make the Magic happen.....