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                     ABOUT ME

   John L Arnott was born in San Francisco, California in 1964.

   While writing at the local community college newspaper, John needed to get a job to help support himself. So he looked around at the community bulletin board, finally landling a job working with children. The job took his life by storm, and John put everything he had into it, turning out a career that lasted over two decades.

   In that time, John learned more about children (and himself) than he could have in any other environment possible. The experiences were genuine and revealing, and he knew that one day he would bring these experiences to life through writing. He just didn't know when.

   Well ladies and gentlemen, the time is now.

   By combining the unique experiences of growing up on the streets of San Francisco with twenty two years of working with children plus some professional writing in his background, John has found the right combination to take the young adult book world by storm!

   Magic Tales is the first of many to come in the future as John has several ideas in the works. He will definitely keep you all posted!



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